The End Of The World As We Know It Or Just Another prophecy. My Studies..

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Raising awareness for the date December 21, 2012

This video is about raising awareness for the date of December 21 2012. It had some good points and interesting facts so I thought that it should go into my studies on this site.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Galactic Alignment and the 2012 Polar Shift

The Mayans calender is based on what they call the dark plains but known to us today as a galactic alignment. This is what the dooms day scenario of dec. 21 2012 is based on and began. But it is true that we will pass through this plain around the time according to scientists today. This galactic alignment is a direct path of the milky-ways center black hole and its gravitational pull. Our galaxy passes through this plan from top to bottom or vs\vr. about every 26,000 thousand years in what is called cylical movement. For the last 26,000 years we have been above the galactic plan and are about to move to the lower section.So what effect will this have on earth? well the Mayans claim it will mark the end of this life cycle and the beginning of a new one. Scientists are not sure exactly what will happen but here are some theories of the possible effects.

1. Planetary Polar shift: North becomes south. Not sure the effect this will have on earth.

2.Comets\Asteroids hitting the earth: One of these larger ones hits the earth it is a doomsday. Because of the extra and chaotic gravity going through our solar system it will play with the kuipler belt and send comets and asteroids in abundances into the inner solar system which raises our chances of being hit.

3.Earthquakes/volcanoes eruptions/dramatic weather: same effects they allready have but on a higher level.The extra pull on the planet may cause mother nature to go wild.

4.Sun flares: Possible sun flares on the earth could cause anywhere from a radiation poisining to the earth set to flames. The sun will all so be effected by going through the galactic plain.

These are only the top 4 theories of what might happen but there are many more.

What will happen we will have to what and see but it is best to prepare just in case something does happen.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dec 21 2012 Not A Prophecy

For the last two years I have been running this site because I find the subject of prophesies fascinating but am skeptical to actual believing in them. But the more I look into this prediction the more it looks more like a astrology prediction and not some magical ancient prophesy. Ya I love throwing aliens and crazy stuff about this date on this site because if you look at the top of the page it states my studies and these are part of the study if I want to cover all the topics and opinions(plus there fascinating and fun) . But some how I believe that some of the ancient cultures had figuered out how to study astroligy better then we can today and seen the alignment of this date coming and wrote it down. Its not so different then the scientists of today that predict how long until the sun goes nova and they write it down. Plus I don't know the outcome of this date because nobody can really say for sure what will happen but I do believe that something will happen. It could be anything from a show of lights that are harmless to mass destruction ending human life. So this is my opinion from my studies from Nov. 4 2007 when I started this site till today Sep. 5 2009..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock

In these videos David Wilcock one of the leading experts on Dec. 21 2012 is giving a conference\lecture on the facts and fictions of this upcoming date. Very informational if your wondering what might happen when this date does come. 9 parts about 10 minutes each.



















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